27 March 2007

Share Home Movies On TiVo For Free

Upload five of your favorite home movie video clips to TiVo between now and 30 April '07, and you'll be able to share them with any other TiVo subscribers for free. After the free offer ends, you can upload video clips to TiVo to share with family and friends for as little as $3.99 per month.

TiVo subscribers receive the shared movies for free, so Grandma doesn't have to pay to see your delightful vacation you and the kids videotaped just for her. TiVo's service allows you to edit the video after it's uploaded, so you can remove any embarassing parts or rearrange the clips. And only those family and friends you give the channel code to that you create for each uploaded video will be able to see the video on their TiVos. The channel will appear on their TiVos as "Home Movies from One True Media" in their "Now Playing Section."

So if you don't want cousin Ralph or the neighbors to see your video, you don't have to give them the channel code, and they'll never know you uploaded any videos to TiVo, even if they have TiVo subscriptions.

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