Need to hotlink to images or other files on the Web for your blog, forum posts, MySpace profile, or your Web site? is the recommended host for blog images at, but don't bother signing up for a new account if you're not already a registered member. Once upon a time their BloggerBot may have worked seemlessly with blogs, but no more. As soon as one signs up for an account, downloads and installs their software, and then logs in, the "BloggerBotIsDead" is listed as one of the default "friends" (use these named "friends" to upload your files to your friends' PC's). That probably used to be the "BloggerBot friend" before the new Blogger went online. (One cannot add the BloggerBot friend, either. This friend will be pending for a long, long time. Fuggetaboutit.) It turns out that BloggerBot's demise was announced in November 2006.
Instead, one can find other Internet file hosts to host images and other files. One reliable and free host I tried was Register for an account and get 2 GB of free space to hotlink to. Maximum file size is 100 MB. There's no software to download and install. Most file types are accepted. No illegal files are allowed. That means no pirated software or copyrighted music, and no racy photos you wouldn't want your Mom to see, guys! If one wants to remain anonymous and not register, one can still upload image files for free (with the same restrictions), but only up to 20 MB -- and only images.
It's easy to use, but one thing that isn't as intuitive as I'm sure they think it is is how to get the HTML code for pointing to your file on the site. When one uploads a file, a set of three tabs shows the HTML text for different situations (such as an URL or an anchor link) that one may use on a Web site, blog, forum profile, or MySpace profile. Copy the one that's needed to the clipboard after selecting the correct tab. Paste this code wherever the HTML script is needed for linking to your file on the Internet. If one forgets to do this or needs to do it again later, all one need do is select the file on the list, then select "File Properties" (which is the "Plus" sign -- intuitive, huh?), then select "URL" or "BB Code" or "HTML code," whichever one is needed. The appropriate code will be displayed, which can then be copied and pasted elsewhere.
Other alternatives to the BloggerBotIsDead phenomenon are to use "Blog This!" in Picasa or to use the Blogger Dashboard. Keep in mind that Picasa requires a download and install of software, Picasa's "Blog This!" only allows up to four images per post, and it has known issues that haven't been fixed yet. And keep in mind that if the Blogger Dashboard is used to upload images, only up to 300 MB of disk space can be used for images. But they're hosted for free.
Didn't hear the news that BloggerBotIsDead until now? It was a very small announcement on 17 Jan. 2007 by the official Picasa Guide. No announcement yet when they'll remove all the Web pages that explain how BloggerBot works, implying that it's still alive.
Update on BloggerBotIsDead (12 Feb. 2007):
It's been more than three weeks and still no acknowledgement that BloggerBotIsDead on Come to think of it,'s home page shows the most recent news as "Picasa Brings Instant Photo Publishing to Blogger," which is dated 10 May 2004. Hmm. The next news item (that BloggerBot is no longer available for Blogger blogs) on that Web page may take a long time.
Update on BloggerBotIsDead (20 Feb. 2007):
It's been more than a month and finally updated their Web site. Finally! When following a link to their "How BloggerBot Works" page, one is redirected to a secure server and is presented a sign-up page to create a new account for Picasa. As I mentioned above, their bloated software download isn't needed, and it has limitations and bugs when working with your blog. Skip it.
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1 comment:
Dear Data Devil Dog
Thank the deity of your choice that you posted a blog about this! Today I decided I wanted to add a photo on my blogger profile, something which I have done countless times before on other websites, only to find this complicated process involving Hello! Now, I ain't no technogeek (just the normal kind of geek, actually), but when I saw BloggerBotIsDead listed as one of my Hello! offline friends, I knew something was up. Also tried adding BloggerBot as one of my friends, hehehe! Anyway, will try the Blogger dashboard idea instead.
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