11 December 2006


You may wonder what the title of this blog, "Data Devil Dog," is about. It's my way of telling you that I'm not an author of blockbuster movie titles. I'm just not that talented. Readers should know that up front.

I'm a computer geek and I have many interests, but you readers don't come here to read about that. You come here because you're interested in finding out how to protect your data, your computer and your network. I'll try to keep that in mind as I steer you around the potential minefields.

You'll find that I often remind folks about backing up their important data. If it's not backed up when a disaster befalls you, then it obviously wasn't important, was it? Periodically test those backups, because backups can fail. And don't be afraid to make an extra copy of that really important backup. Disk space is cheap these days.

Be diligent. Use the best weapons to protect your data. Ensure you're trained to use those weapons effectively. Be a devil dog when it comes to safeguarding your data.

I won't promise I'll write in this blog daily, or even weekly. If you revisit this blog once a month or so, you'll probably be rewarded with something interesting and may even experience an occasional "Eureka!" moment. Not "Eureka!" in that I had something particularly brilliant to say, but that I found something useful and which also happens to be my favorite price: free. You can expect me to share those "Eureka!" links with you here.

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